Moses Ngorima

Specialist Consultant

Lead Consultant, Human Resource & Organizational Development Specialist

Moses is a Human Resources and Organization Development consultant with ten years successful consulting experience in the Southern African region. His consulting experience includes Corporate and Human Resources Strategy Development, Organizational Design, Job Profiling and Evaluation, and Strategic Reward Management.

Moses has deep insights into the operations of 0rganizations in Botswana, gained through facilitation of planning and review of strategic plans and development of Competency Frameworks.  He has been involved in the development of strategic plans for Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS), Engineers Registration Board (ERB), Botswana Meat Commission (BMC), Non-Bank Financial Regulatory Authority (NBFIRA), Botswana Public Officers Medical Scheme (BOPAS) and Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVA), to name a few.

His consulting expertise is backed by hands-on management experience gained over 13 years spanning various industrial and commercial sectors including retail, food processing, engineering and steel, chemical processing, and baking. His management experience includes human resources management at senior management level, sales management, operations management and administration. 

Selected clients and the related assignments that he undertook include:

  • Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVA Botswana) - Development of Organizational and Salary Structure (2009) as Team Leader of the team of consultants who reviewed the Fund’s structure and developed the functional, management and sectional structures for the Fund. I also developed position profiles for the Fund. The overall objective of the project was to develop an appropriate organizational and remuneration structure that would enable the Fund to achieve its strategic intent while fulfilling its mandate.
  • Botswana Public Officers Pension Fund (BPOPF) - Development of an Allowance Policy for Board of Trustees and Secretariat Staff and Employee’s Progression Methodology (2009) as Team Leader for conducting the benchmarking exercise. The deliverables included recommendations on an allowance policy for the Board and Secretariat staff as well as the development of a salary progression plan.
  • ABM University College – Organization and Methods Review (2009) as Team Leader of consultants who reviewed the College’s structure and developed the functional, management and sectional structures for the College. Other deliverables included position profiles, conditions of service handbook, job evaluation and grading as well as a salary and benefits structure. The College wished to embark on transformation processes that would result in it becoming a fully-fledged university by 2013.

Moses educational background includes a Masters of Business Administration degree and Professional qualifications in Human Resource Management, Training Management, Marketing Management and Business Management.

Our Clients

This project entails the establishment of a Continuous Improvement System within the Corporate Planning Division that ensures alignment of individual contributions with the organizational objectives...